Let's Talk About Jewelry Art! ...and other things too...

I am interested in promoting my jewelry to the individual who appreciates handcrafting and who enjoys wearing pieces of jewelry that are unique. I hope to connect with persons who are interested in buying my jewelry. I would be interested in inquiries to participate in craft/art shows. Custom orders taken.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Sometimes when we try to be creative, I think the word "try" gets in the way. It is as though the two ideas are at opposites. TRY AND BE CREATIVE...uhmmm... just doesn't work! Trying is an exercise in frustration. A focussed strain to produce...breathe held. Creating is opening up and being mindful of the flow of positive energy and ideas. Breathe flows freely.

You ask why I write this today? I just visited the Eclectic Jewelry Artisans website (www.eeja.org). I am amazed to see the creativity of my fellow artisans. We have such diverse and talented artists ...each translating mediums of beads and metals to their own individual style and expression of art.
Visit WWW.EEJA.org ...I think you will agree. Oh, by the way, Mother's Day is just around the corner!

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